Can JuneBug work with 16F628A inplace of onboard 1320 ?

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I am quite impressed with the Junebug and would like to order it. Before I and my friend do so, I am wondering if I can ocassionaly replace the onboard 1320 with other PICs of same pinout like 16F628A/16F88 to develop software for them as well ?

any recommendations on best place to buy it from ?

Thanks in advance
You could replace the 1320 with a 628 or 88 as the important programming pins are the same. The port pins are not compatible and are swapped around. As long as you keep this in mind then you can program and use them on the Junebug.

I have used the Junebug with the 18F1330 and the 16F88. As Pommie said you need to check the processor datasheet and Junebug schematic.

The 18F1330 can use its internal 8MHz clock with the PLL for 32MHz. 4x faster then the 18F1320 but it has different peripherals.
As Pommie says, the pins are different on the 18f1320 and 16f628.

I use a 1320 on a midrange board, and this is the text file I keep handy when doing it. You will have to reverse it for a 16f628 in the 18f1320 socket:
I am wondering if I can ocassionaly replace the onboard 1320 with other PICs of same pinout like 16F628A/16F88 to develop software for them as well?
Why would you? Simply get a solderless breadboard or two, wires for it, some ribbon cable and connectors and a small selection of resistors and capacitors and whatnot. The Junebug is a PICkit 2 programmer/debugger, and was made to work with outboard target boards. Much more flexible than using only what's onboard the Junebug experimenter.
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Now you mention it, it is the best way to go.

Thanks for all the replies guys BeeBop, I almost thought you actually wrote all those pin by pin details for specially me Thanks for sharing.

Why would you? Simply get a solderless breadboard ...

Yeah thats right but I think the fun with Junebug is that i wont have to do that. I can write software without worying about hw. atleast I wont have to have so many bits and pieces lying around. with a breadboard, I will have to sit. With everything on one board, i can ly down on the bed and be half sleep while coding. If I had to go the usual route then I could buy the official pickit2.

Also with a breadboard or any self fabricated circuit, you have that thing on your mind that the bug could be in wiring etc. with a professionaly done pcb like junebugs, theres one less thread of tension
I wonder if that 830 point solderless breadboard can be found anywhere here in the US for less than the $4.95 price I found here?

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It looks like the same unit I paid $7 for at Mouser. If you buy ten at Pololu they go down to $4.46. 10 for the price of 6 at Mouser. A very good deal.

Pololu used to sell the Taymia double gearboxes at $2 less then others.
I wonder if that 830 point solderless breadboard can be found anywhere here in the US for less than the $4.95 price I found here?

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