Can mobile detects other mobile?

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New Member
Im sorry if i ask stupid question. But as i read almost posting here. I like the way members discussion here. Im not belongs to electronic background. I am computer science background but currently do some research for my master program. i would like to develop an mobile application that can detect signal from other mobile gadget like pda, hp and others. Is it possible a mobile gadget like handphone / pda do this?

Or at least can anyone tell me where should is start first?

Your help really appreciates.
Search for RF detector, bug sniffer/detector, transmitter detector...

There are a lot of counter-survalence resources on the web. Should be able to find something similar to what you want to do, if not the exact device.

I wouldn't doubt that there are gadgets out there that will not only detect the signals, but intercept them...
The only significant RF sources these devices put off would be intentionally broadcast ones, like Wi-fi signals. You have to be more specific about what exactly it is you're trying to detect. just the electronic device itself? If it's in sleep mode which PDA's are about 90%+ of the time then it's not possible, as they emit effectivly no signals when they're dormant.
Is this the same person using multiple login's?

As Sceadwian said, please provide more detail on what you want to do/detect.
According to one of my dictionaries:

Wonder - a cause of astonishment or admiration, a marvel.

I stick by my original statement, despite the attempt by Hitech to reach through the monitor and slap me a good one.

Yeah don't you just love that, not only does the student want his project done for him and talk about it on his first post, but he can't speak English either.
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