Can someone create a part in eagle for me?

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New Member
I bought a 3 bags of 500 of these trimpots in several values from a surplus shop yesterday and plan on using them in various projects. Could someone create an eagle library part of the side adjustment 3318k? I have searched the web for 2 hours looking for an eagle library containing it and also watched 4 tutorials on how to create a part in eagle and after a hour of trying I gave up. Here is the data sheet.

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Why not find an existing footprint in the Eagle library, which matches the one in the datasheet?

In the Board screen, set the grid to mm, with a 1mm spacing and make it visible.

Click the 'Add' icon in the Schematic screen, then navigate the library to "pot - TRIM_EU- - TRIM_EU-CA9H". Click OK.

Switch back to the Board screen & count the spacing between the outer pins....should be 5mm on centre. Count the spacing between the outer pins and the wiper pin....should be 2.5mm on centre. Check the hole size....should be 1mm.

Print out the board view on plain paper & try your pot for size.

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