can someone tell me what this is?????

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Attached is a pic. of some sort of RF inline connection,,, it has SO239 connections on each end and on one side it has 3 BNC connections, I saw this in a radio repair shop he had it from the radio/amp combo thru this device to an outside antenna...... hooked to the side on one of the bnc connections was his oscilliscope

any help with this would be greatly appreciated and if one knows where i can find one I would appreciate this too!!!!

thanks in advance

Dean Nolan


  • P1010387..JPG
    2.2 MB · Views: 215
Its likely a directional coupler used to sample either the forward power from the transmitter or reflected power from the antenna. It can be used to sample the incident or reflected signal. The attenuation between the passthrough to the sample port is usually about 40db. Not sure why this one has five ports; I own several that have four ports.
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Should be a RF sampler, if has directional diodes inside may provide forward and reflected power ports for readings on a meter, and a sample of the signal to observe its characteristics, relative amplitude, clipping...

A Simple PEP Measuring Procedure
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