Canned responce for possible school work posts

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Because someone ALWAYS responds, nip in it the bud with a quick concise post and the thread tends to fizzle instead of the dozens of half atempts to guess what the original poster was actually asking, and all the arguments that ensue.
Nigel Goodwin said:
The cheating students aren't the type of people who pay any attention to titles!.

Exactly, so anyone who posts a homework request in Datasheet/Parts Requests, it's pretty obvious. Leaves little room for doubt.
Hello All-

I'm student in final yeer of colleege and need much help with senyer projekt ideas. Pleeze to help me with ideas and schematiks. Projekt must use processor and regulatory supply. My instructer requests me to submit by next week so pleeze advice soon. I thought of making a processor controled pencil sharpener. I have empty cirkut bored, some transistors, and a transformer to start construkshun. Regards to my friends here.

So would you like the circuit and source sent to your email box, so that no one else here can get help if they have the same project? Or shall we mail the completed circuit board to you?
I just saw this on the Source Boost forum, on the same issues:
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