Can't find capacitor

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New Member
This project very specifically calls for a 1uF radial electrolytic 16V cap and I can't find one anywhere. Plenty of 50V, etc.

My question is: can I use a 50V caps without affecting the performance? I have a suspicion that it calls for this style and size for a reason, since many of the other caps are more common, ceramic type.

This is for a homemade earth resistivity logger, commonly used in the mining industry.

If I can't use 50V, any suggestions on places to find a 1uF 16V rad elec. cap or an alternative?


The 50V cap will work fine. The difference is the working voltage, which means larger and more real estate taken up on the board. You might think of using a 1uf 16V tantalum instead. Digi-Key and Mouser have plenty in stock.
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