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New Member
Yesterday i could but now i cant,

i have a icd2 and picdem plus 2,

when i try to program the chip i get

ICD0161: Verify failed (MemType = Program, Address = 0x0, Expected Val = 0x65, Val Read = 0x0)

and if i erase the chip under erase part i get

Erasing Target Device...
...Erase Succeeded

but then if i verify the erase i get

Blank Checking...
...Program Memory
ICD0161: Verify failed (MemType = Program, Address = 0x0, Expected Val = 0xFFF, Val Read = 0x0)
...Device not blank

whats wrong ???
Hmm strange. I have checked 16F54s datasheet, this chip doesn't have any problematic feature (No LVP, MCLR is always ON, No ICD2, No internal osclilator...).

Are you sure the chip is powered and was not previously damaged?

It would help a lot if you could post a picture of schematic and/or photo of the rig.
Hi, thanks for your help, i managed to sort it out, instead of using a 9v battery to power the picdem plus2, i used the mains power cable, and now everything works, the battery must be low i guess,

also the icd2 poster says that it can be used with a target board, by connecting the icd2 to the usb port, and also connecting a mains power cable to the icd2, which can provide power to the target board,

ive tried this with my picdem and making sure that in the icd2 settings ive clicked the tab that says use icd to power target board, but the picdems power led doesn't come on,

any ideas?

This is how i tried it


  • pic1_946.jpg
    10.5 KB · Views: 537
Do not connect the ICD2 9V power cable if you use USB!
USB has enaugh power for both ICD2 and it's target. Read ICD2 manual!
Jay.slovak said:
Do not connect the ICD2 9V power cable if you use USB!
USB has enaugh power for both ICD2 and it's target. Read ICD2 manual!

Your statement might be correct if one only programs the PIC in the target board with the rest of the target circuitry disconnected from the PIC +5V supply.
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