I have forgoten to present/introduce who I am.
I'm an retired technician of électronics equipments .I'm 68 years old .
I hope my English/american is correct, or understanding .
Yes I well want to weld by fusion 2 sheets of 2 mm aluminium.
I have a DIY spot welder ( 5 kWatts consumption , 70 % efficiency) build with 2 mecanical assembled micowaves transformer ( 12 kgs), certainly "m.t." in English , "m.o" in french .
It is possible to weld/solder 2 sheets of aluminium ( oxide of aluminium eliminate ) , with "spot welder" with 2 points of copper of 10 mm or 20 mm diameter( 5 mm at extremity)...if you put your 2 sheets of aluminium( Under) and beetween 2 sheets of iron .
So the solder/welding is not perfect because aluminium is very liquid/fluid , it fuse and quasilly explose if the thermic énergy is too hard/quick.
One factory , where ? good question ...in USA,Ausralia or Canada ...I don't remember where , I sick is name , make A welding machine , big monsters , of 10 to 100 kW , with frequency generator of 20 kHz of 10 to 100 kWatts so , and drive ( with SCR ...nothing is said ) the sinus wawes of 50 µs accross a big transformator 20 kHz ( perhap's with ferrite) , this waves are choosen perhaps 2 waves "on"or or 4,8,16 , and 1 or 2 ms seconds "off"...for making a goof fusion without "splash" explosion .
But they say they have abandon the idea of a welder with capacitors , because of the impossibility at this moment to contrôle the duration of the discharge .
With a SCR 5000A/1600 V, the best on the market( in China of course ) , to discharge a capacitor , seam to me impossible because of the dI/dt of silicium which is only of 150/200 A by µs (200A/µs) for the best...even if the driving power is present ( hundreds kW) , ...but ...there is a but , only with sinus wawes of 50 or 60 Hz .
With a capacitor discharged , we have a crazzy "pic" of current impossible to locate with the most performant oscilloscope of laboratory .
We are waiting for SiC with a 4000A/µs anonced , but in qualification since 2015 or 2016 . ...nothing produce and sailing on the market .
So with MOSFET I have the same problem of the dI/dT , wich is given for the IXYS IXFK100N10 for 100A/µs and 100A max Under 100 Volts .
With 100 Mosfet in // , even if not easy , we can rise 10 000 Amperes .
With the command and an appropriate gate resistor we can turn this problem , with a signal of 1 or 2 µs "0" to "1" .( 0 to 15 Volts ).
That's all for today .
Jac .