Captured droplet

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Captured droplet by an arduino and camera setup
Photo from another site ,stunning.

So what might happen if this were set up in such a way in space that gravity did not act on it ?
I´m assuming say a sphere of water with a droplet fired at it some way

Anyone got any ideas?


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BTW - you would probably end up with a "rippling sphere" as the waves caused by the collision "spread" over the sphere of water, and the "ejection" droplet(s) would travel out splattering against other stuff (and making a mess). That's at least how I imagine it would look...
Taking pictures of water drops is popular and there is literally thousands of these pictures around.

I remember those videos where they have micro gravity drops and they touch one side and the ripples go from one side to the other and then back again. Cool.
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Did u ever watch the fluids in the astronauts capsul - the drinks floating

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Did u ever watch the fluids in the astronauts capsul - the drinks floating

Aren't the space craft pressurised, along with the suits Astronauts wear when carrying out extra-vehicular activity???

Maybe that's a clue....
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i think there is an funny amazing water collision will happen. if there is no gravity, the water is in spherical shape ( depends on the pressure and air flow around it ). the picture of the collision must looks great. i remember i saw the similar collison in discovery. but i am not sure what they did, i was a kid
My theory:

Water can be in liquid state in space too but without any defined shape(like amoeba) if we don't keep carefully inside a container it'll jump and got scattered around and escape to the outer space(!!)..another serious thing is we can't drink any water in space(no gravity) without drinking water how can we withstand there to take any pictures of the waters???
On the science hour on JJJ radio today a guy asked about water in space, the reply was about 10 minutes of fact and a very interesting listen too. Well just what is water H20 and both of those atoms are in space. They did say ice in space was a common thing and there has be no scientific explanation as to how the water ever arrived on earth. They also went to say it has been proven that water(ice) does regularly fall to earth from space. Anyway one can download a podcast of the science hour on JJJ just look for Dr.Carl, todays one was great when I had a chance to listen at work....

Cheers Bryan
I recall asking a quite specific question to NASA. It was dutyfully answered in short time.

Why not this?
Here's the video on pressure waves through a microgravity water sphere.

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I must have missed this !
Its old but a stunning and memorable set of videos
I'll be going back and reviewing this for quite a while

Here's the video on pressure waves through a microgravity water sphere.

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