CardReader that needs specific power supply. Help!

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Hi, since i've never encountered this problem before i'm here asking for your help ! I have a CardReader Device (Magnetic and Chip) and in it's datasheet it says that i must feed it with a 24V (DC) and 1 Ohm output impedance...
Where can i find such design ?
Can you help-me ?
I suggest you first find out why it specifies that, and what it means - a simple one ohm resistor in series with the output of a 24V regulated supply would meet that spec though.

Keyword that Nigel stated is "regulated". Just in case you did not see that.

Do not grab just any 24VDC power supply (wall wart). Make sure it is regulated and add a 1ohm that can handle the current you will be pulling and sounds like you will be fine.
Just that ? I allready have a power supply here, someone got a power supply yesterday (i'm not working alone), but i don't know if it meets the requirements of the CardReader module, anyway, it has nothing to do with me if it goes wrong.
Thanks again !
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