Care to critique my design? 4 Sonar 16 ADC to I2C/UART

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I've been working on this board for a little while, and I finally have the second revision down to a point where I'm rather happy with the board. Before I send it off to the board house (, would you care to look it over and see if there are any issues?

The purpose of this board is to control 4x HC-SR04 sonar sensors, be able to independently control the trigger lines and use the 18F46K22's built in 16 Bit timers to obtain distance readings. Also control 16x ADC lines for extra handling. Send the data via I2C or UART to the other devices on the I2C bus. The UART can be used to set the I2C address on the fly. I think I did a pretty good job on this board. Of course if you find the design handy please feel free to modify any way you wish. Power will be supplied to the board via the I2C or the UART header, however the board may be configured. I included the option of the UART header so that I can change the addressing of the device, as well as plug in a simple UART to USB converter board and plug it into a computer and open up a terminal to see the data coming in. This makes this board handy in many other ways, as well as being able to be daisychained with other boards. I also included optional I2C resistors, should I choose to make any individual board the master on it's own bus.

ZIP includes the .sch and .brd file, I created these in Eagle 6.5.


  • Sonarix
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