Cartoon Sketchup Robots, suggestions?

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Part of a poster I'm working on. Two cartoon robots. They are 3D and fully poseable. I would like comments and suggesitions. Not too busy though, its for an ad for my electronic kits. Supposed to be a father & son. Cept dad has no pipe (like the old Lionel Train ads of the early 19th century)

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Son needs forearms and hands. Maybe a skateboard or soccer ball to be PC? John
I remember seeing years ago a robot-like caricature of a man, son, and dog in an advertisement. I wish I could give more details, but I can't. It may have been Lego. Infringement is always an issue, and I certainly can't give advice on that. Since you want to promote electronic kits, I would try to work something specifically related to those kits, such as an RC controlled dog with antenna, a soccer ball made with PC boards, a 'hello world' LED display, whatever. Although, the robot connection to electronics is pretty strong, it is very widely used in electronics and other ads, including cars, as well. Thus, I would try to incorpoate something more directly related to your kits. Just an opinion. John
I think our gracious host needs to add another discussion board to these great forums ... the title should be "Armchair Attorneys" (or whatever the attorney is called in the UK/Europe?)
Didn't finish the head, but just for laughs here's the headless K9 and the .skp file for Sketchup!
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