Cascaded counters question HELP PLS

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New Member
I have designed a casceded parallel load counter, and I need some information of how to accuracy of the cct is affected. i now some options that due to cascaded counters if there is a 'glitch' in the first one, then this will effewct the rest, etc.
PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME give me some factors which affect cascced counters and maybe a reason on how they can be improved

Which type of counter are you using, post the model number.?

How many counters and at what frequency are you clocking.?

If its the counter circuit I helped you with this week, then the LS192 are synchronous counter are glitch free.
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Which type of counter are you using, post the model number.?

How many counters and at what frequency are you clocking.?

If its the counter circuit I helped you with this week, then the LS192 are synchronous counter are glitch free.

yes it is the same countr, but I did not use the LS I used, the HC.
when i simualated the results I found a glitch. you can see it in the attachment,
i know you have to use a strobe, but i am not familiar with it and do not know how i can connect it on proteus.

and i used freq 1Hz only


  • glitch..jpg
    61.4 KB · Views: 186
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Thats not a glitch, thats the /PL pulse that reloads the counters with the bit switches.!
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