cascading a 16F627

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-=GST=- Nemisis (cs/cz) said:
is it possible to cascade a 16F627 and if so is this the right way?

I haven't the faintest idea what you are trying to do there!. Perhaps you should explain further?, but it doesn't look like a workable solution (for any possible scenario).
-=GST=- Nemisis (cs/cz) said:
im trying to use out put zero on chip one to trigger input zero on chip two, so one chip starting onther chip automatically

And why go trough ther hassle of using a transistor and 2 resistors to do that, while you could just connect it straight?

Perhaps you should explain what you are trying to do...
well its a timing thing, one chip times then it automatically tells the other chip to time. dont ask why i need two chips for this but i just do. the only thing is would it be ok to onnect it straight?
Yes, the output of the 1st pic can just be connected to the input of the other. 2 pic's are directly compatible...

Just don't get what you're trying to do with the -6/+6V, your are running your pic's of a normal positive supply are you? pic's aren't meant for a negative supply.
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