Case Modding

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New Member
Over here in the UK there is series of advertisments running on tv for microwave snacks, the star of these particular adverts is not an actor/actress , but rather the case modded microwave ovens.

Mods include - Subwoofers , musical air horns, funky paint jobs
even air spoilers, running lights. Basically all the gadgets one would normally find on a car, and pokes a friendly bit of fun at the
MAX POWER car magazine/scene

Sadly this is the only picture I could find at the moment,
if you have seen any more please post them!

Thankfully it's only television and they don't actually work!
However it is with a wistfull grin and and
evil chuckle I glance at my own microwave oven :twisted:

Title: Boy Wavers
Media: Television
Country: UK
Region: ITV Granada
Version: -
Duration: 050 seconds
Date: 1/5/2003

Story Line: You've seen the boy racers have meetings on the Albert Bridge. Well check these boys out. They go to the 'meets' and meet other 'wavers' fanatical about go-faster microwaves. Strange behaviour.
End Line: 0 - Tasty in 70 seconds.


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