The battery will just be supporting a RTCC chip ( guess ) the Flash memory you call EE possibly has the codes. there will be some method of clearing the password to a default, how else would the factory send out the boards ? . post a picture.
I see where you are coming from , but these look like null terminated message strings , It would not be a good practice to store the passwords amongst them , they would be in another block. from what i see the keyboard does not have alpha A-Z keys, for the password ? have you seen "Formula" on the display.
The register would have a program mode these would be text to display in that mode, got a picture of the keyboard, previously I asked if there was a key switch ?
Now I see it has a qwerty , a key switch ????????? Have you tried 'supervisor' and 'password' ? as I said I would be very surprised if they will tell anyone ether by phone or email the login method , If you had a safe and wanted the combination , could you ring and ask the manufacture the code number ? The totals and data in the register belong to the owner only.
Tomorrow, I can contact the company for password and user name.
If they dont give it, I will break the machine appart and take the key board and some other parts for my next project. I dont decide what is my next project.
According to, the switchs are much costly and really I want that. If the machine will work, I can use the machine. If not Ican use the keys...
Sorry manoj If I had been on the end of that call I would not have provided that info, For instance, a crooked manager could take out the battery , phone and get the password sign in with his own password , take cash all day, reset the machine , put the takings in his pocket , Owner none the wiser , well could be but they usually bit thick... have a nice curching ( sound of money in till ) .