In CA decades ago ISP(tv co) started putting QAM digital bands on the cable line, as well as analogs, and also added another QAM band with the analog channels on it, about >10 yrs ago they completed the upgrades, and started phaseing out channel by channel the analog bands, for the customers that wanted to stay analog they provided a A-D converter, which was a free digital box( a basic one) that would convert the AN channels out, now adays there is only 1-2 AN channels left on AN, and now everyone has a decoder box of some type which is serialised and needs to be registered in the system to open channel bands, as a result customers no longer needed to have their coax terminated to "shut the cable off".
In relation to CCTV there is a modulator that is used to insert the feed into the coax line, if this modulator has been upgraded it will now insert the CCTV into a QAM band that the A-D box can work with.
In addition decaying coax can easially loose a single channel and still provide the rest. Which is why i suggest getting support since i have seen many reasons for apartment security cctv to go out in a single unit, and there is not too much a resident can do to self troubleshoot. (besides the basics)