Thankyou Tony are a genius!....superbly helpful. I just took off R7, and replaced the CD74HC123M, and it is now giving exactly the right the next thing is to connect it back to the you say, the first time i powered up, a voltage must have coupled through the UCC28070A pin capacitance-to-VCC, and blew up the , yes, i will use a IN4148 in there (in place of R7).....must admit i would still like some resistance aswell.....but the track goes on an inner layer after R7, so not so easy to add an R.......maybe i can do a "wigwam" type thing with a 1N4148 and a 1k resistor in series between the vias either side of the R7 pads.....
Thanks again.
Must admit, i woudl also now like a signal diode on the CD74 output pin, (just in case it rings below ground) but i'll struggle for room.