CFGWORD2 Not implemented

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New Member
I have created a circuit using ISIS Editor.
Program has been written using 'c' and i have created hex file.
Now when i attach this hex file to my circuit that is to PIC , i am getting and error as "CFGWORD2 not implemented ,
FATAL: [U1] program or EEPROM data has invalid address [2009] for this device
Real time simulation failed to start".

How do i solve this error. Pls help me out.

My c programs/hex file is alright , it works well with physical circuit.

What PIC are you using? PIC16F88 or PIC16F88x?
I got this warning message too but the simulation was just fine. config2 is the setting for FSCM and IESO, since no oscillator is required in ISIS, so I think this will not cause any problem.
I have used PIC16F877A. My c program is working fine with this PIC on physical design.
In ISIS, i did not get PIC16F877A , So i used PIC16F877.
Now i tried , removing the crystal oscillator also,but still the error remains same.
pls help.
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