CH340G driver for cheap Chinese Arduinos

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Thanks Clyde , Don't have anything xxxx-uino but have a USB serial with this IC , Cheers ,

Yeah i found that out a while back, but what is good news is that once installed it works pretty well.
I'll see as time goes on, but looks good so far.

Only strange thing is that when i plug the Nano with the chip into a different USB port, it wants to and does install it as a different COM port again. It starts at about COM 5, then works it's way up. It's up to about COM 24 now.
On the Arduino forum they are talking about issues with 1.8.11.
I have a good working older version on my Windows 10 computer but I don’t want to mess it up.
Has anyone found the CH340 driver for Windows XP? I am thinking mine is 32 bit because it doesn’t say 64 bit anywhere.
I installed Arduino 1.8.0 hoping they had that driver built in by now. It still doesn’t recognize an UNO.

Edited to say: This CH341ser driver works on my old system.


    188 KB · Views: 274
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