Change .ASM file program (PIC base RF Remote Control )

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New Member
Dear All,
From last some years i am trying to make rf base remote control. i have got Circuit daigram, programming ( .ASM ) file. so i purches PIC programmer & make RF remote control & program it.
Now its working but its operation is latch type ( the channel output state is toggled each time its button is pressed: when the corresponding transmitter button is pressed, the output is turned on. By pressing the same button again, the channel output is turned off )
Actualy i have require Momentery type operation ( the channel output is turned ON while the corresponding transmitter button is pressed, and turned OFF when the button is released )
So anybody help me for change the program?
i am attaching both RX & TX .ASM file.
( My English Is Poor So plz unsderstand it )


  • Rec72M B.asm
    13.2 KB · Views: 199
  • Tns628 M A.asm
    5.3 KB · Views: 163
Did You find a solution to that problem ???

Did You find a solution to that problem ???

hi , well i will give u suggestion that u extract part of your coding that is concern about the output toggling, because it's quite hard for us to see through such a long code.

but what u actually need to do is :-
1)turn on your output
2)bit test whether is that transmitter button is on (use a loop to test it , eg:-
Loop btfsc PORTD,0
                 goto  loop
                 goto outputoff
         outputoff  bcf *output*
keep using the loop to test the condition of the trasmitter button.
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