change my name?

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hi all,

is it possible to change my name on here as i put in my real name but now i dont like having it on display, i only want to protect my personal details so i want to change it to something else,

I have changed it on my profile but it hasnt changed my avatar name hmmm

cheers guys
yer, ive contacted dmiyars, hopefuly he will let me change it, i dont really fancy deleting my account and starting again but i may have to
guess i will have to let it stay in existance then but hopefully people will forget about it.

i hope i cant change my name haha
You have been blessed Dale.

Any Personal search here on ETO brings up an error for you. I purposely checked because Years ago when I joined a Forum in 2005...I used my real name too. I did not know better then. But I learned thereafter....

So your posts are forever written in Stone. Of course, if you are feeling twitchy or worried about anything you said here you could just go back and delete all your posts.......unless another Member has quoted part or all of your post/s. Then you are stuffed. Cant touch those.

Not giving you ideas just saying it's do-able....Will not make you liked though. Because it causes Havoc for Mods trying to clean threads where nothing makes sense anymore. Definitely not a good idea.

I remember on that specific Forum in 2005.....a Member that was valued with Technical information was all over the show. He answered questions accurately left right and center....accurately. Held in high esteem by all.

Until he visited their Off Topic area of the forum....there he lost it many times. Went kinda awry.

Because mostly anything goes there...and he was out of his comfort zone of Technical info.

Some Guys gently teased him there and gave him a little "be normal" advise.....he did not really get it. And then he got into an argument with a Guy he had helped earlier......he got upset and left and went back to the normal Technical forum...and proceeded to DELETE EVERY SINGLE TECHNICAL post he had ever made..

And there were literally thousands.... Needless to say he was banned forever.

Back to my original point.....only post stuff on the NET if you are comfortable posting it under your real name or an assumed one..

I mean guys like Nigel and Eric expose themselves to all and Sundry on the NET.

Me, I can go on and maybe have a little fun.....sure if people REALLY want to find me they will.

So, forums being forums , and the Net being the Net......and I have posted LOT'S of personal stuff here....I would not retract a single post (except the ones I read later where I realize I have unnecessarily rambled. I try and clean up after myself).

Because I get it out here. In good company. With people that understand.

WOW that was a long post

Lecturing myself again

I don't think you need an admin, just a moderator with admin privileges. I can test it for you if you'd like, but you would still need permission from an admin to change it permanently.

no i dont write anything i dont mean on here im a pretty chilled guy to be honest, I dont liek people seeing my full name all te time

just me being wierd i think haha,

Merry xmas guys Have a good one

no i dont write anything i dont mean on here im a pretty chilled guy to be honest, I dont liek people seeing my full name all te time

just me being wierd i think haha,

Merry xmas guys Have a good one

If you haven't spoken dmiyares yet you should; Just hit the report button and ask for assistance in changing you name. Ask them to send you a personal message and just speak with them about it.

Something like Dale.P or D.Perkins or just DP? I can't see the trouble.


But it will need an Admins or someone with Admin privileges. Like D8, and Inq said.
ye, ive messaged him but i havnt had a reply yet, just waiting now

Hi Dale

From what I gather they are a busy bunch of Folks working really hard. So, I am sure when they find a gap, you will be attended to

In the are stuck with being.....Dale Perkins

Enjoy the Fame and Name

All the best,
If you haven't spoken dmiyares yet you should; Just hit the report button and ask for assistance in changing you name.

kv, just a couple of notes. 1) The "report" button is really only supposed to be used for problematic posts (spam, insults, etc). It is not for contacting the mods or admins--use PMs for that. 2) The "report" button only shows the problematic posts to the moderators. It is rarely a direct mode of contact with the admins.

DP, I'm sure he will respond as soon as he gets the chance

Merry Christmas everyone!
Best wishes,
DPerkins Super mods do have the ability to change your name. Let me know what you would like it changed to (I changed it to DPerkins temporarily) and then we can get permission from the admins to keep it later on.

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