change notification CN in dsPIC

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New Member
Dear All,
I am working with the change notification CN pins of the dsPIC30F30. Even though, I am giving a PWM signal as input to the CN5 pin, I am not getting any response from the CN ISR. Please take a look at my code & circuitry and let me know if there is anything wrong there.

void InitICandCN(void)
       TRISB = 0x38;             // Ensure the CN pins to be input
       CNPU1 = 0;                 // Disable all CN pull ups
       CNEN1 = 0x20;            // Enable CN5
       IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;       // Clear interrupt flag
       IEC0bits.CNIE = 1;       // Enable interrupts on CN5
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _CNInterrupt (void)
       IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;           // Clear interrupt flag
       SendData('U');                // Sending data to PC using UART communication

I am using the attached circuitry.

Thanks in advance

NB: My SendData function works properly, I checked it in other ways


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Have you tried polling the pin to verify that you can read state transitions?
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