Changing the layers from PADs to Bottom in Eagle polygon

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Active Member
I've made this design that is an RF slitter which require special angles and stuffs. I tried alot with the bottom and the top layer polygon , but the results were far from ideal, so I made the angles from the Pads layer and then completed the PCB. The problem is that the PCB vendor seems to be confused with this 'layer abuse' and told me to come up with solution. I tried changing the layer but the layer was fixed to Pads only. So. what shall I do?
When you say "pad" are they through hole or SMT?
Can you send a picture. Screen shot or eagle file or something so we can see the problem better?

I think you are screwed, if you need to change from pads to a signal layer (e.g., top or bottom). Will your board maker accept another drawing layer, such as dimension, instead? I tried some edits on a practice piece and even a ulp for changing layers. Here is the error from the ulp:

You will probably get the same error or something similar from other approaches. That result is not surprising. For as long as I can remember, EAGLE has made a bright- line distinction between "drawing" layers and "signal" layers. Another error you may see is: "Error: Do not mix copper layers with drawing layers." As I mentioned earlier, in my very limited experience, "layer abuse" is nothing to ignore.



Edit: I just came across this description of layers. It may help one appreciate the differences:
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There are Gerber viewer/editor programs that might allow you to add or subtract layers.
Where are the errors?


  • rf1.png
    6 KB · Views: 420
  • rf2.png
    3.6 KB · Views: 409
The error is when we make the polygon with the TOP layer and then use the ratsnest. the polygon will be distorted or something when I do it.
When in the board program, left click on the ULP button. There are two ulp's for changing layers:
1) cmd-change-swap-layer.ulp
2) copy-layer-to-any-layer.ulp

I don't think either will work. The Help section for the second method implies you may be able to go from copper to geometry, but that won't help you. I did not play with either ulp very long. You might also check out the Eagle (cadsoft) site for other ulp's.

As ronsimpson has suggested, changing a non-copper layer to a copper layer in Eagle may require going to another program.

If you draw in the pads layer I think everything in pads will get copied TOP and BOTTOM and probably to L1 through L16 (with some changes). I believe pads effect many layers like silk T&B etc.

If you send .BRD files the PCB house can see what you did. They will see these errors.

If you send gerber files they can not see these problems.

There must be >4 ways to do this with out pad layer usage.

Look at post#6, first picture. Is the connection to pad2, not pad1, what you want to do?
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@ronsimson thanks for the tip, I changed it like wise and the manufacturer accepted the design. Cheers!!
@japanhalt I tried it but its not working.
I didn't think the ULP's would work (post#3). Glad the board manufacturer took the Gerber files.

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