characterstics table of j-k flip flop

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New Member
hi ,
i am in great doubt regarding the characterstics table of J-K flip flop,will any one plz tell me how we create the characterstics table with the help of truth table and without it by knowing only the circuit diagram. :?:
I'm assuming you mean the excitation table? I've got a class in 2 minutes, but afterwards I'll draw it out for you.
See my response dated April 11 2004 to a post by Satellite 5005.

This will give you an example of how to design a counter using JKs.

sorry didn;t got the mailon 11th april

ljcox said:
See my response dated April 11 2004 to a post by Satellite 5005.

This will give you an example of how to design a counter using JKs.

hi chap, i didn't got ur mail on 11th of april,i think u don't mind sending me the full detail.i will be obliged to ur kind attention
thank u
Do a search of my posts and look for "I need help Digital Clock" posted on April 11.

Here is a description of the JK Flip Flop and a partly worked example (anyone that needs the practice can complete it) of a Modulo 6 counter using JKs.


  • JK_Flip_Flops.gif
    16.6 KB · Views: 1,126
  • Counter-Mod_6_701.gif
    12.6 KB · Views: 1,463

j k q
0 0 no change
0 1 reset(0)
1 0 SET(1)
1 1 toggle(not q)

from the circuit just give the inputs and scan thru the gates as in normal combonational circuits and obtain o/p . if this again changing the i/p then again scan thru it
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