Did you watch the video, and if so, what did you get to take away from it?
I got something along the lines of this:
Far too often, in all aspects of life, we seek someone to pin the blame on, in order to give quick answers when something goes wrong. Sometimes, it’s quite obviously down to a ‘don’t give a crap’ attitude from a particular worker, but in most others it’s not until sometime further down the line that the full extent of a situation becomes known, and quite often there are mitigating factors that may have apportioned blame differently, had they been initially apparent. Most people don’t go to a job with the intention of making mistakes, but eventually, a mistake is likely going to happen to someone, at some point. How we deal with those mistakes, and put in place procedures to prevent any recurrence, or not, is what can make or break a business. Given the opportunity to frankly discuss a large mistake, after the fact, without the impending doom of dismissal looming overhead, most people would likely be able to walk someone else through what transpired without glossing over the details in order to protect themselves.
That's where lessons are truly learned and policies/procedures become strengthened/improved.
"You're fired! Get out of here!" does little towards getting to the root cause of a particular problem, because the best person able to give a full account of the minutiae is now gone...
My 0.02