Cheap Electronic component (Active & Passive) suppliers

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Hi Guys

I'm looking for online shop to buy electronic components (active and passive) at cheap price(shop that will ship internationally).

Digi-key is the famous for this but unfortunately it is only for people who are doing mass production. Hobbist and small scale R&D people like us cant afford to buy from them due to their extremely high shipping prices.

Therefore I'm looking for a place to buy stuff at cheap rates for small orders.I believe Chinese suppliers can provide at cheap prices. If you know any reliable sources please do post here. It will be very useful of everyone

thank you ;D

Sure Electronics ( ebay) and SparkFun US have proven good and lo cost for me.

What about Farnells or RS India , both will deal with the hobbisty / small orders here in the UK as long as you order online, don't know if shipping from India to Sri Lanka is expensive though ?
Have you tried ebay?

Ya, but i cant find some components in ebay. I'm looking for some one like digi-key so I can buy all item from one supllier

wow, farnell is expensive than digikey in sri lanka, I should try RS india place you are referring
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