cheap laptop (under 675$ USD)

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ACER 4710

web cam
duo core
120 GB hdd
all little extra things you hardly use but nice to have

my company bougth it for $650 new

it does everything that i want it to do (i am not a gamer)


same here i dont play games. maby starcraft as a joke but becides that nothing at all.
ACER 4710

web cam
duo core
120 GB hdd
all little extra things you hardly use but nice to have

my company bougth it for $650 new

it does everything that i want it to do (i am not a gamer)


i cant find that model on the acer site
I just type on it right now and all the info i supplied is written on the same computer

maby it's already an old model, it was new in december

or it's a model only relaesed in asia?

I just type on it right now and all the info i supplied is written on the same computer

maby it's already an old model, it was new in december

or it's a model only relaesed in asia?


only in asia its on their asia site i think
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