You did not give a lot of details, but you may want to look into these capacitive switches.
Only US$6.99, buy best 5pcs TTP223B Digital Touch Sensor Capacitive Touch Switch Module For sale online store at wholesale price.
TTP Datasheet
I bought them a while ago. They are dirt cheap and they do work (more or less). You can interface them to a uc or use them stand-alone.
Specifically: They have three pins; Vcc, GND, Out.
You can set them to jog or toggle mode (there is a solder bridge on the board)
With Vcc=5V, GND=Ground and out connected to a 150 ohm resitor to one side of an LED and the other side of the LED to ground (I don't know/remember how much current the board OUT signal can sink).
In jog mode: LED is lit on power up, touch pad and LED is off - remove finger and LED is back on.
In toggle mode: LED is lit on power up, touch pad and LED is off - remove finger and LED stays off, touch again and LED is lit.
You don't actually have to touch the pads and they would work through a non-metallic barrier, like glass. How thick, I don't know - 1-4 mm, probably yes, 20 mm, no.
You can apparently, use it with one of those 5 V relay boards that operate on a low (see advert), again I don't know how much current that example relay requires. Maybe that would be a good way to implement a doorbell.
I used some with an Arduino clone in a silly project.
Again, they are cheap and can be noisy if you are not careful....maybe even if you are.