China Recalls?

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That was interesting, how they never clear stated that there was a definate problem, 'might be', 'may have', too much'. How much lead is acceptable, and how much do these toys acutually contain?

Another thing I noticed... Heard about all the other recalls before, but at the beginning of the article, the china man mentioned 'tires' on the list of recall products. Maybe those were for a different country, we probably make our own hazardous tires. Yeah, I drive a roll-over model Ford Explorer, no blown tires, haven't even managed to get it over on two wheels yet. Maybe the tires have to blow out first. Gave up trying a while ago...

Think it was in the 80's, when there was a huge push for cosumers to buy american made products. Went as far as implying that the unemployment rate was do to overseas manufacturing. It kind of ended when it turned out that stuff made overseas could legally carry the 'Made in USA' label with only a few minor changes, like sliding a printed cardboard sleave over a generic plain white box, and shrink wrap. Circuit boards stuffed in china, but wired up in america (noticed this on a cheap walmart TV I worked on back then, said china etched into the copper).
The Ford Exploders that had tire issues were the Firestone brand and I believe a specific model tire as well. Still, it certainly didn't help Firestone any. My wife owned an Exploder years back. Crappiest handling SUV I've ever been in. Lousy front end assembly... to the point that I drilled the control arms, threaded in zerk fittings to lube the ball joints.
I got mine for free in 2004, but it cost me almost $1000.00 for transmission work shortly after. Apparently, they weren't built to tow a trailer full of scrap metal...
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