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Chinese crap

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A thread dedicated to talking about chinese crap, and not a warzone for two or more forum members!

Plz post pictures of dangerous or cheap chinese crap!

1.Chinese reading light driver dies, led survives!
2.Mfg. name?
3.Did a fuse blow in their heads?:p
4.Oh, it was too costly to make this power regulator regulate the power well.
5.No inspection!!??:confused:

Chinese crap is stupid, and dangerous!

I wish I could sue Mfg's whose products are unsafe, but they don't seem to exist anymore!:confused::mad:


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Unfortunately the only person to blame in this type of situation is the person that bought the item. These is no one to sue because there is no warranty or certification to a particular purpose, even if you could find the maker, there is no lemon law with new products, if they don't claim in black and white signed in blood that it will last more than 30 seconds it doesn't have to. If there is any mentioned warranty on the product I'm sure the customer support will sap the will to live out of any human being, if you can even find a contact number. If you pay a lot for this kind of crap, again it's caveat emptor, assume anything and it makes an ass out of u and me =) Anything to save a buck will get you this type of product, it gets us Americans literally boatloads of it, the reason so many buy it is because so many people don't pay attention to what they buy and assume a purchase will fit a need.
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The other problem is that well known so called "American brands" names have been purchased by off-shore companies and slapped onto inferior products. Its getting hard to tell an inferior product, from a well-made product without taking off the lid.
You cant even say that more expensive items are better built than cheaper ones, so far my no-name $19.00 DVD player from Wally-World has lasted 2 years longer than my $150.00 Panasonic.
As far as unmarked ICs, and no replacement parts, nobody is even pretending that any of his stuff is repairable in any way shape or form.

Unfortunately, even the major names like Panaphonics, Sorny, and Magnetbox arnt exactly making things easy for repair people either.
But if yiour willing to shell out some real cash... the Carnivale' is the way to go.
Sorry, couldnt find it in English...figures.
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Unfortunately the only person to blame in this type of situation is the person that bought the item. These is no one to sue because there is no warranty or certification to a particular purpose, even if you could find the maker, there is no lemon law with new products, if they don't claim in black and white signed in blood that it will last more than 30 seconds it doesn't have to. If there is any mentioned warranty on the product I'm sure the customer support will sap the will to live out of any human being, if you can even find a contact number. If you pay a lot for this kind of crap, again it's caveat emptor, assume anything and it makes an ass out of u and me =) Anything to save a buck will get you this type of product, it gets us Americans literally boatloads of it, the reason so many buy it is because so many people don't pay attention to what they buy and assume a purchase will fit a need.

Absolutely correct.

if there was no consumer demand from North Americans for this stuff, there would be no Asians manufacturing this case its the law of demand and supply. Maybe technical/safety laws should be beefed up by legislation so that items that have power supplies with no fusing, etc. wont make it to the public.
Hi ben7,

I can't say anything to pictures 1, 4 and 5.

2. Seems to be a Sony N-channel UHF-microwave MESFET (2SK671). Made for for another manufacturer they don't necessarily want to have the SONY brand name on the chip. Moreover it makes self repair difficult.

3. If the transformer was mounted to a chassis there is no reason to worry.

If somebody pushes the on/off switch into the transformer he might have problems controlling his muscle power. :)

The attached images were of a brand name Cooler Master 600 Watt ATX Power Supply. The first image is the name plate data, followed by a few resistors that had a bad day and a chip where the smoke escaped. The last image is an example of flux removal or lack of. :)

That power supply failed after a few months under a light load. On sale it was about a $20 USD power supply. A good well built switching PSU for 12 volts only capable of 30 amps typically runs over $200 USD so go figure.

Anyway, thought I would share the images.



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> The attached images were of a brand name Cooler Master 600 Watt ATX Power Supply

Cooler Master isn't "Brand Name", it is chinese crap. "Cooler Master" means FAIL.
Of course it fails, what would you expect, lol.

The firemen came and flooded the neighbor's house a few years ago because of one of those that burst in flames, setting fire to the carpet, desk etc.

Anyway, I've never bought those. OK, I did, once. Never again.

You can find tests on the net where they draw the rated power on those supplies and tell you which survive.

Right now I got CORSAIR and FORTRON, no problems. The Fortron one lasted 5 years 24/7, still running... costs 4x as much tho. Worth it.
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The point was that I don't think you can find an ATX PSU that is not made in China? NO Cooler Master is no better than most. I have had the best luck with both Corsair and Antec as to brand names. Really I think a matter of luck though some more costly Chinese junk is better quality junk. :)

I have no clue as to today but several years ago most PSUs were all made in the same factory or three. The name plate really meant nothing. A good name generallt cost more and had better parts.

I have an EVGA GeForce 7600 GT GPU card sitting here with 4 split top capacitors on it. Came out of a neighbors Dell system. I also had another EVGA GPU card with 2 split top capacitors. Interesting all the caps (both boards) were identical. Same value (1500 uF) with a 6.3 volt working voltage.

Anyway, far as I know, if you are looking for an ATX PSU it is made in China? Anyone know any that aren't?

I have tested a few and got more into PSU testing than I ever wanted to with a few online hardware review sites. That is another nightmare. :)

Anyway, I agree that some ATX PSUs are better than others, I just can't seem to find ones that weren't born in China.

Blame FCC not China

Pretty much any Chinese wall wart adapter is dangerous as non of them have any current or temperature limiting fuses. Further, the transformers in them are loaded at 100% and even more sometimes. Keep in mind that in order to sell electronics equipment in USA and Canada, they must have FCC approval which they certainly do. The only question arises is: What the hell is FCC thinking when approving such dangerously flawed products that are probably the number one cause of household fires in USA.

I blame our corrupt FCC not the Chinese. Chinese workers do as they are being told and Chinese business comply with their customers demands. So it is the American businessmen and the corrupt FCC to blame
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The Chinese will do whatever you want, from cheap crap to good quality, but it depends on the will of the manufacturer to pay for and enforce quality control... usually you have taiwanese / HK / korean firms doing the design in-house and outsourcing manufacturing to China, some of them are good quality. Sometimes the Chinese outsource manufacturing to Vietnam cause it's cheaper, don't expect miracles then, lol.
Pretty much any Chinese wall wart adapter is dangerous as non of them have any current or temperature limiting fuses. Further, the transformers in them are loaded at 100% and even more sometimes. Keep in mind that in order to sell electronics equipment in USA and Canada, they must have FCC approval which they certainly do. The only question arises is: What the hell is FCC thinking when approving such dangerously flawed products that are probably the number one cause of household fires in USA.

I blame our corrupt FCC not the Chinese. Chinese workers do as they are being told and Chinese business comply with their customers demands. So it is the American businessmen and the corrupt FCC to blame

Frosty, while I don't doubt for a moment there is no shortage of graft and corruption involved in the sale and distribution of poor quality goods within the US, the question that begs to be asked is how you figure the FCC has anything to do with it? The FCC is the Federal Communications Comission and has little to nothing to do with the import of crappy goods.

The Chinese will do whatever you want, from cheap crap to good quality, but it depends on the will of the manufacturer to pay for and enforce quality control...
Not so sure. I recall reading that Metell did not want anything to do with lead paint problems. They shipped paint to China. The toys arrived with lead based paint because the company in China sold the good paint for additional profit.
Frosty you seem to be under some weird mistaken assumption that the FCC certifies a device to be safe which is absolutely not the case at all, they certify it for it's ability to withstand and not produce interference under common electrical conditions.

You're much like the typical American consumer, assuming that a logo on a device means it's a quality safe product. Keep in mind as well with CE certified stuff, as said previously many Chinese companies will simply slap the logo their products even if they haven't gone through certification.
The attached images were of a brand name Cooler Master 600 Watt ATX Power Supply. The first image is the name plate data, followed by a few resistors that had a bad day and a chip where the smoke escaped. The last image is an example of flux removal or lack of. :)

That power supply failed after a few months under a light load. On sale it was about a $20 USD power supply. A good well built switching PSU for 12 volts only capable of 30 amps typically runs over $200 USD so go figure.

Anyway, thought I would share the images.


Somebody got thier calculations wrong!
The attached images were of a brand name Cooler Master 600 Watt ATX Power Supply. The first image is the name plate data, followed by a few resistors that had a bad day and a chip where the smoke escaped. The last image is an example of flux removal or lack of. :)

That power supply failed after a few months under a light load. On sale it was about a $20 USD power supply. A good well built switching PSU for 12 volts only capable of 30 amps typically runs over $200 USD so go figure.

Anyway, thought I would share the images.


A fun thing to do is to get large high voltage caps and dischrged them-after being charged!-into the trashy parts you have=lots of big explosions!
Pretty much any Chinese wall wart adapter is dangerous as non of them have any current or temperature limiting fuses. Further, the transformers in them are loaded at 100% and even more sometimes. Keep in mind that in order to sell electronics equipment in USA and Canada, they must have FCC approval which they certainly do. The only question arises is: What the hell is FCC thinking when approving such dangerously flawed products that are probably the number one cause of household fires in USA.

I blame our corrupt FCC not the Chinese. Chinese workers do as they are being told and Chinese business comply with their customers demands. So it is the American businessmen and the corrupt FCC to blame

Yes Frosty, elctrical problems are one of the top 5 causes of fires in the USA.:(

I tend to fry a lot of wall wart AC to DC rectifiers, they have cheap tiny diodes which can't handle excessive current, but the transformers, when made well, can.

It is UL too, they say that a cfl end of life can have a "dramatic pop", which is more like a large explosion which is not safe??

I found 200volt wires that would normally be live with 120volts, what a shame.

Poletransformer that has been overloaded for 7+ years, it still works!!!:


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Not so sure. I recall reading that Metell did not want anything to do with lead paint problems. They shipped paint to China. The toys arrived with lead based paint because the company in China sold the good paint for additional profit.

That's why I said "enforce quality control". Taiwanese firms who manufacture in China and want good quality control have their own people (expats) in the place, and they look at everything. Of course, this costs money and effort, but it is profitable.

If you grab chinese yellow pages and pick a subcontractor at random, yeah you'll get hosed. No Chinese would ever do that btw.

Anyway, i don't know too much about UL/FCC since I'm french, here we have the "CE logo", lol :
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I don't know what calculations he's talking about reload, but the values you listed seem a litte weird. You should be able to get a decent power supply that can do 30amps on the 12V rail(s) for under 200 easy.
You'd have to hunt for a brand name you like but just one example I found on new egg has 4 12 volts rails each able to source 18 amps (that's 72amps, hopefully I didn't miscalculate it ;) for $110
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