Chinese Prechin PZ51 tracker

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Dan Kwon

New Member
Hi, Everyone!

Is there someone who uses this Chinese PZ-51 trakcer 8051 emulator?

I have a error code when I try to debug.
It said that error code1 “Maybe version mismatch, please retry”.

Please help me.

Regards, Dan Kwon


  • 76C89A27-B81A-4819-9F89-415BBCF12EFA.jpeg
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The error code "Maybe version mismatch, please retry" suggests that there may be an issue with the compatibility between the PZ-51 Chinese 8051 emulator and the software you are using to debug.
One possible solution to this issue is to ensure that you are using the most up-to-date version of the PZ-51 emulator and the debugging software. If you are already using the latest version, you should check for any known compatibility issues between the two and see if a patch or workaround is available.
Another solution could be to try using different debugging software to see if the issue persists. This can help you to determine if the problem is with the emulator or with the software you are using.
In addition, you could also try to reinstall the PZ-51 emulator and the debugging software, this could fix the compatibility issues that you are facing.
Finally, you could also try reaching out to the manufacturer or supplier of the PZ-51 emulator to see if they have any solutions or recommendations for resolving this issue. They may be able to provide further support and troubleshooting steps.
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