CHM reader...

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New Member
Does anyone know of a freeware CHM reader for windoz? Xp comes with one, but i don't like it. I have an eBook, and want to do some highlighting, but the one that comes with windows only lets you view the text...
Marks I'm disappointed in you! You know better than asking questions before trying google => There's a firefox pluging that looks like it'd work for you.
But i am a dissapointing person, remember? I don't have firefox. I use IE7... (unfortunatly). Oh, and i did google it (but i am lazy anyways)...
It isn't that i don't like it, because i love firefox, it is that i dont like the idea of having two web browsers installed on the same machine.

That's just plain silly... You may still need IE at a later point in time for some specific thing, so don't get rid of it. I just deleted the icons so it doesn't 'appear' to be there. I know I can still run it if needbe, and if you want to cut the cord so to speak there are IE remover tools out there.
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