Chocolate ants?

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone remember getting chocolate covered ants in the UK in the 1970's or '60's? Or is it a figment of my imagination?
Nope, it's not a figment

I never tried them though!.

Funnily enough a friend of my wife's small twin girls (5-6 years old) went on a Forest School visit last Saturday, and when she picked them up one was complaining about ant legs stuck in her teeth, but I don't think they were chocolate covered. Apparently one of the things they do is 'bush tucker'.
I mentioned it to my wife and MIL yesterday, I have no idea why, and they thought I was crazy, but I'm sure when I was at Junior school the sweet shop on the way there (and home again) used to sell them. But then I started to doubt myself. Why here? It is the only forum I visit regularly, not on any social media sites...
.... Referring to the surprise movie addition. Topic is about chocolate ants.

Popcorn tends to go great with the movies, perhaps some would prefer chocolate ants instead. still dunno.
I'm pretty ignorant about films I must admit.
I found some references to the modern version when I had a look on the 'net at the time, but they all seem a bit adult and dare I say hip. This was definitely kids stuff, big jars behind the counter...
The chocolate covered grasshoppers are real, thus the ants had to be as well as many other possible unknowns... Crickets? I find it getting unusual after crickets.... So odds are it was not a figment of imagination seeing chocolate ants. However, looking into this out of curiosity, What does manage to get covered in chocolate now days is quite unusual....
I like 'Turtles' candies which my mom used to insist was made from real baby turtles that were baked and then dipped in chocolate.

Man, those stupid comments she made for what things we're, when they clearly were not, made me mad and likely has a lot to do with my lack of tolerance for dealing with stupid people who insist on clinging to idiotic nonsensical easily disproven views/explanations of reality even well after they have been called out and proven wrong.
Well, when a kid can see though someones BS they kinda deserve getting called out on their crap. I just happened to be one of those kids who excelled at that aspect of life.

Interestingly now as an adult who has crossed paths with many of my former peers very few ever have anything bad to say about me as a kid (they knew I had troubles but they were not my fault) but have as much or more bad to say about the same people I had issue with way back then and for the same reasons I did.

Children reflect the influences of their environment so if you have a bad kid the odds are there is something in that kids environment that's a high level contributing influence for that behavior.

If a kid lies a lot, the odds are they are spending a lot of time around one or more influential adults who have proven they are also liars. Same with kids who steal or act out or whatever. Just look at their parents, family and or teachers to see who as an influential adult does the same bad actions.

If you have screwed up kid, or two, the odds are you had a lot more to do with it than you care to admit or take responsibility for. Either they learned their bad habits from you or you failed to properly address and help them work through them when they first started to develope them early in life.
But stuff like calling "turtles candy" real baby turtles is not a lie. Around here it's one of those joke type things kids do. Like me telling my kids that honey was bee poop, that bees spent the day eating nectar from flowers then went home to poop. Just something to gross out a kid.

Using your criteria in today's world, you should be very pi$$ed off at the president. Nothing but untruths since the inauguration. But I know your not.

Isnt that long ago that formic acid was made by distilling ants, that got me thinking, if chili goes well with chocolate...then maybe formic acid in the ants might. Anyway large ones you can still buy in the link above, and those that are missing your kiddy sweets use the top link. And NO, I dont want a sweet and i aint sitting on your lap

But they are not lies to people like me. They are jokes on the idiots who's real lies and deceit screwed up our country, of which he is now slowly getting it back to where we had and want it, a fair and equitable working order for those who put an effort into positively contributing to society.

Maybe you don't like the humor and consider it lies it but we sure find it honest and funny and above all beneficially productive to our goals at the same time! It's not like the conservative, independent nor classical liberal sects of this country are who are looking like anti American idiot fools and getting all the justified blame they deserve for ruining everything they touch now.

So yea, you can be as pissed off at the president as much you want but from my views you types are on the receiving end of the joke now and that makes his actions as justifiable as they need be, lies of otherwise.

Life's not so enjoyable now when your gameplay gets turned on you and it becomes clear there isn't a damn thing you can do about, other than give up and acknowledge and submit to your own wrongdoings, that wont make you look even worse, is it?
Oh k, now were on chocolate covered politics... I Said things get weird after the crickets didn't I...
After 8 years of the same tired joke of liberal failure we are happy to see one that favors our side for a while.
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