Choosing a PIC tutor

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The Ponderer

New Member
I wonder if anyone could help me decide if the PIC tutor and development boards available from would be a good option?
C# programming is mentioned under serial communication.
It seems a comprehensive approach generally, but MPASM is used with the Brunning Software BSPWA(?) which is compatible with MPLAB?

Although I have seen adverts for that Brunning board for many years , afaid I have no real knowledge of its workings - however hope the following might help.

Sure you will find many threads in the micro forum on the general point of what is a good development board etc.

See the Sticky at the top of that forum for details of the many free assembler tutotial sites - my favourite being Nigels at WinPicProg Page

For the hardware, doubt you can better the Microchip Pickit2 Debugger which is currently on special offer in Everyday Electronics for an all in price of £9.99.
It comes with all the free Microchip software - however the only downside, from your perspective, is that the little circuit board it comes with, needs expanding considerably to make a more practical development board.

I have made my own dev board with lcd, led and switches to match the Pickit, but for a beginner - perhaps thats not your thing - yet ?

On a different angle - I have just put this ad in preloved - its a runs from a parallel port, but will accept any files from Mplab etc - its a good complete starter board, ready to run - can send fuller details - sure we could come up with a good deal between pensioners.

Preloved | pic development board for sale in Huddersfield, W Yorks, UK
I took a quick look but did not find any indication they were using a debugger or where they use MPLAB execpt to build a ASM project they first developed with the Brunning software.

Several people here have been using the Junebug from Blueroomelectronics. The board was developed by one our members and there is good support for it here both from Bill and others. It is a PICkit2 clone with a small tutor section. I have about a dozen of them that my students use. My webpage has several tutorials that use the board but it is far from a complete set.

If you want to get started on C# there are some interesting video tutorials I used in class. I am not sure if you can get them without a membership. The fellow who authored them does good work. I think I downloaded them without a membershipt but it would be worth the fee.

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