Christmas crackers

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Means you've any new lighting circuits/plans running around? I'm going to spend some time on building a very simple blinking star using 555 and ST44. With flashing rage set at 2Hz I think it'll be a wonderful arrangement ..there was a plan on web fading in/out bulb using capacitor charge/discharge principle along with 555/MCT2E however I dropped it later. It's indeed a nice idea.

I think you guyz will probably be going for some exciting things using micros...right?
I think I'd like to decorate myself. I saw footage of a Hollywood guy this morning with a flashing coat. It would be cool to show up at my girlfriend's house looking like a christmas tree. What'd you think?
I usually make one or two LED Christmas gadgets every year.
I'm working on a binary star, 12 bits or 4096 different patterns.
Made with 4 x 7490 IC's and one 555 clock IC.
The project is not finished yet but I will post some photo's when completed.

I think that will look pretty cool! Will you post a video of it too?
I usually make something for my grandma, not sure what it will be this year. Maybe I will steal one of the ideas that gets written down here
Mine already implemented -flashing star -incandescent bulb inside a white glossy paper star. It was actually a fast 3hr total work on a stripboard.

Cool and nice effort Rod, Merry X'mas!
I'd still like to try this sometime:
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I think I'd like to decorate myself. I saw footage of a Hollywood guy this morning with a flashing coat. It would be cool to show up at my girlfriend's house looking like a christmas tree. What'd you think?

That your future mother-in-law would ring 911 and say there a lunatic walking up my path please help me.......... and the future father-in'law would run to the shed and get the chainsaw ready to cut down a fresh xmas tree....
12 bit binary star

a Merry Christmas to all

two photo's attached

Kind regards from Auckland, New Zealand


Rodalco2007 YT


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