Christmas LED pattern

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I want a Christmas light pattern anybody could help me plz.
I want effect of fireflys or stars on a window.
So a set of white LEDs arranged on a window shape something 20 x 10 square.
At a given time all LEDs will glow at dim bright.
Same time one LED randomly will glow increasing its brightness to maximum and decreasing to minimum.

Please help me because I have no idea on this kind of circuit
Well it sounds like your best bet would be a PIC or other micro because you can use pwm and multiplexing.
It's possible but generally a micro is the cheapest, simplest and easiest way of doing things.
A microcontroller is the best way to go, or a very complex circuit. Either way Christmas will come and go before the project would have any chance of being complete unless you have some wizard like electronic skills.
A microcontroller is the best way to go, or a very complex circuit. Either way Christmas will come and go before the project would have any chance of being complete unless you have some wizard like electronic skills.
I am waiting for encouraging replys. I am a little wizard
Thank you. Can you give me an explanation of your little circuit? How can I use this for my LED matrix.
It's not my circuit, I googled LED matrix schematic.
It's a typical row/column LED driver with a PIC doing the real work. You can light one column at a time with any number of rows (one per output pin) the design could be expanded with a larger PIC to drive a larger matrix.
Writing the code is the tricky part.
As I told you it is 20 x 10 matrix. All will glow at dim bright all time and only one(randomly selected) will glow increasing/decreasing brightness.

How is the code is feeding into the PIC. Which language/software/interfaces used for that. Should I need to connect to my computer? Plz give me a detailed reply. Thanks.
No, no, don't use a microcontroller, that's not the old school way. Pick up the TTL Cookbook by D. Lancaster, can't go wrong. Get a large bucket and start scraping in loads of 74xx164's, 1N4148's, toss in a bunch of caps and resistors, couple of 74xx595's and 555's, and a 74xx86 for good measure. Done .
Since I've worked on some similar projects few months ago I couldn't resist not dropping my 'two cents' over here.

First, just to shed some light on the scale of this project with your expectations, suffice it to say, it's Huge!

For mass production, only viable solution would be custom designed chip-embedded LEDs (they're getting really cheap in high quantities these days) or microcontroller matrix networks with some intricate program written laboriously (keep in mind there is no clear-cut on/off state for these LEDs and there are singular transitional fades - it's no trivial task even for a seasoned programmer) which will not be an option if you want to have a working prototype for 'this' Christmas.

The 'key' in this kind of art, dealing with visual recreation like magic performance or movies' special effects is the 'illusion' we create not the exact materialization of the reality. So here I'll try to give you some thoughts you might find useful and time saving hopefully:

Lay a layer of always-on LEDs for background lighting. Maybe about 100 LEDs (for 200 in total) would be about right. These mildly-lit LEDs will be scattered randomly all over the panel. If this light show is like an outdoor display, it would be a very safe bet that no one will complain why half of the starts won't 'do' anything!

The other thing was the idea that you wanted LEDs to go from dim-bright to full bright. Can be done (R_DIM in the schematic) but I'm not sure about the impression. LED nonlinearities (should best be done with PWM controllers) and other visual miss-cues might come up. I can be wrong as well so I suggest you try 'complete-off state to full bright' version to compare the effects.

Ok, just to give you some ideas I've posted some schematics, yes old-school and analog and not as efficient as a PWM type, just to show you how I went about it. It's a simple blinking circuit with slow fades. One second slow-on and three seconds slow-off. You can't get anything simpler. For my own project I was looking for a 'Glitter' effect with a little faster transition. Since LEDs were in front of audience, a truly smooth transition of analog circuit appealed to me than a jagged stepped fade-curve of a hurriedly written code of a generic PIC PWM controller.

Circuit shows one of the twinkling 'LEDs-groups'. No we're not going to make hundreds of these! CD40106 CMOS ICs contain six Schmitt-trigger inverters. So using two ICs would give us 12 groups or you can go over the top and use three ICs to get 18 cavalries of flickering LEDs. For this example each group will sum up to 8 LEDs (for 12-group arrangement and to make up for the remaining 100 places) that will be spread across the panel in an arbitrary manner.

For a timely disclaimer, I haven't tested the exact circuit I've posted here. My work was on a low power single-transistor version. So if you really wanted to embark on this, get a bunch of white LEDs (use a minimum of 6 LEDs) and make a prototype on a breadboard to check and see the functionality.

For about 10 LEDs, power dissipation isn't that much; I just used BD139 just to be on the safe side. And it might get a little warm. A regulated supply of 12v would make me and lot of LEDs feel safer. But regulation's not necessary (check if the supply remains between 11v - 13v under load, shouldn't be much lower or higher). Current limiting resistors (270-Ohm) were selected according to my white LED's 2.5v forward voltage. It'll push LEDs dangerously to their 20mA limit (I wanted a true bright sparkle), if you feel it's too much use 68K-ohm in place of 56k-ohm resistor. And use a variety of values for R_TIME to push groups' timings out of sync.

All right, All in all, I just wanted to give you some ideas while I know they're heavily compromised compare to your original plan. I really hope you get it done in time for Xmas. And hopefully not spending your entire holidays getting it done! Times precious, good luck!


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If you are new to micro-controllers and need some info Parallax is really where it begins. Their software is free and they offer both PBasic and a Java based controller. I've done several stamp projects and i was very satisfied with the little controllers. A complete working system with micro-controller, software, programmer cable and demo board can be had for less than $60. The PBasic is very easy to learn and very effective. Check out the BasicStamp and Propeller chips and PLC module (programmable logic controller).

Parallax Home
Thanks man. I will combine your ideas with mine to get it worked b4 X'mas. CMOSs will be getting priority. Next yr I will come back as a PIC wizard
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