The auto router is crap. All auto routers are crap. Nobody in the real world actually uses them. (Did I get that right in the ETO way? Overly broad statements, made as fact?)
Why would you use an auto router for this board anyway? This should be about the simplest board to layout.
The picture shows the important details.
¤ select the wire tool from the menu
¤ select the desired layer from the layer menu
¤ when you are routing, select important parameters:
>> trace width (use wide traces, not the minimum possible)
>> Routimg angle: select 45°
>> Routing conflict: select
This prevents you from routing too close to other signals, crossing another trace on the same layer or connecting points together that aren't connected in the schematic.
Click on the starting pad. Click where you want to change direction. At the pad you're connecting to, move the trace until a large white dot appears on the pad and click to finish the track.
Click the space bar changes the inflection of 45 degree bends. Say you want to go over, then up, but the program is trying to go up, then over, hit the space bar to make it hsve the other inflection.
One final hint. Say you want to see everything connected to Vcc. Put the cursor on some point connected to Vcc. Press H. Everything connected to Vcc will be highlighted. Press H again to turn off the highlighting.
Please take some time to understand this. It took me 45 minutes to write it when I should have been asleep.