Just as a point of order. To have boards assembled by JLC, you don't need to use their EasyEDA software. It will just make things simpler, and potentially lead to less errors and need for clarification.
What you do need to have JLC assemble boards:
¤ Standard Gerber and drill files. Differences in formatting, units, layer-naming conventions, etc., may result in delays.
¤ Components selected from JLC's library of parts for assembly. Any components not in their library simply will not be installed on the boards. Preferably, components will be selected from JLC's "basic" library to avoid extra setup charges.
¤ A BOM containing manufacturer, manufacturer's complete part number, LCSC's part number and reference designator agreeing with the schematic.
¤ A centroid file giving each component's location and rotation angle.
This is easy to do in EasyEDA. If someone doesn't have a good understanding of the above, generating the needed files may be difficult with other software packages.
JLC charges a $7 engineering fee for board assembly. Don't expect much hand-holding for that price! I've been very satisfied with the work JLC has done for me, but I do play by their rules.