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Although I have other medical issues due to LUPUS. I recently was given this Antibiotic, 2 day and 3 pills there was a reduction of mucus from my lungs, which is why I got the prescription.

I have to see a cardiopulmonologist next week. I just wanted to make it until then. I received a z-pack 4 weeks ago and the doctor said probably not a good idea to take it again and gave me this antibiotic instead. Apparently most people are not aware of this antibiotic which is given regularly by some Practicing Physicians. These are classed in a group of meds called Fluoroquinolones.

This includes some acne medications etc.

I don't want to continue and have decided to stop taking them, I don't know if I should try and get something else or what to do? I should be able to make it until tomorrow hopefully so I can go back to the doc with my concerns.

What would you do.
I highly reccomend it. Cipro is very safe, and was given to the populous as a whole during the "Anthrax Mailings" in the USA.

I had taken it in place of the "$4 Walmart Antibiotic Special" that the EM-Room staff perscribed me after a Brown Recluse bite.

4 days of the walmart special = NO IMPROVMENT, DRASTIC NEGATIVE CHANGE!

2 days of Cipro = Extreme improvment, drop is "leaking" and swelling, stopped the pain pills, and stopped "hopping" (The bite was 2 inches below my knee..Where the "reflex" is tested)

Very good, in my pre-fessional opinion.
Apparently most people are not aware of this antibiotic which is given regularly by some Practicing Physicians. These are classed in a group of meds called Fluoroquinolones.

The fluoroquinolones are actually a very popular and over used class of antimicrobial drugs. The "black box" warnings are real. In more lay terms, the fluoroguinolones may cause tendon and joint (cartilage) damage. Initially, it was thought that side effect occurred only in pediatric and teenage patients, and the drugs were restricted in that age group. It is now recognized that it can occur in any age group.

Most important, since you have shared that you have Lupus, I doubt that any knowledgeable person would comment yes or no relative to following your physician's advice.

Thats right. Pre-fessionals have no say over a professionals opinion.

Listen to your doctor, but by all means, do research. You are your own advocate.

For lupus patients, Fluoroquinolones, and Cipro in particular are very well researched and understood.

You MUST be your own advocate. Doctors often do not keep up to snuff on advancements made since they graduated. You are smart to look for advice, you would be smarter to talk it over with your doctor before TAKING the advice.

There are many unknowns. For instance, we have no idea of reaction history, or allergies, or other medications you may be on that could cause interactions.

Lupus can be "triggered" by many events. Violence, even on the cellular level can be exacerbated by lupus. HOWEVER, (from what the doctor at the bar said ) the cellular destruction caused by Fluoroquinolones (on offending cells) does not trigger a response.
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Cipro is a relatively powerful antibiotic. Generally best practices say you must take it all. The "straglers" that aren't killed grow up to be resitant to the anti-biotic. With antibiotics there is "targeting" involved. Which one is the best, least powerful that we can use.

Antibiotics may be changed. I took a course of something, then the gum was opened and irrigated and then the type was changed. I know it's coom practice to take an antibiotic before surgery if there is an infection and generally change it after the surgery.
Thank you for sharing.

I have known about the Lupus for 25 years. The doctor said Oh, you have Lupus. "Me" Oh, Ok. He say's it's like having Arthritis on your skin? I thought hmm? Ok, so "joint pain" over some "rash" like condition on my skin.

I think I prefer the "rash". Up until this yr, I did not know it could affect my lungs in the same way. It all makes sense. Someone told me that this antibiotic is like chemo therapy. It can damage your DNA preeminently.

I'm trying to keep as healthy as possible. But, to destroy my joints and have further decrease in health? I'm just not sure if I should take another pill tonight, that would make 4 pills or a 2 day dose. I should have taken 1 this morning and one tonight.

I'm very confused right now.

But, thanks again. For helping me think outside my own head

I checked my wall and just as I thought, no medical degree. However, my wife has been prescribed Cipro several time for respiratory infections. She is prone to bronchitis and the stuff has always worked very well for her following the doctor(s) trying several other drugs. So really all I can say is I am somewhat familiar with the drug and it works well when prescribed for my wife and her symptoms. When a certain drug works well for one patient with specific symptoms that same drug may not work well for another patient with the same symptoms.

As to your situation and dossage or missing a dose? The person to ask would be your attending physician. Obviously you should take any medication as prescribed, the only person I see as qualified to tell you otherwise would be the prescribing physician. So if you miss a dose does it matter? Can you double up on the next dose? Those are questions best answered by your physician.

Just My Take
Thanks, Ron.

Doubling up the dose not "recommended" if you skip 1, you just take the next pill at the time your supposed to take it and continue.

I have a doctors apt this morning with my "Sinus Doctor" I'm getting injections for my alergy's, it was the Family Practitioner (Not sure about) that prescribed the cipro last friday.

I took 1 dose that "Friday night" and 2 doses on "sat" none Sunday.

I'll see what they say this morning as well as find out if I'm "screwed" or able to take another type of antibiotic or risk and continue "cipro" on the Doctors recommendation.

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My heart goes out to you. My wife's cousin has dealt with Lupus for over 40 years, she was diagnosed when she was 20 years old. I know it can be hard to deal with and is one of those diseases that is complicated in how it attacks different people in different ways.

Thanks again, Ron.

Looks like I missed the bullet the Sinus Doctor say's I shouldn't develop a Drug Resistant Strain of Bacteria, based on my dose of 3 tablets.

He took culture from my sinus and I will see if it's bacterial or not and he will prescribe an antibiotic if he feels like I need one. He thinks I'm doing pretty good considering the amount of polyps he removed 8 month check up. Not completely out of the woods yet. 2 more Doctors to go, Lung Doctor and Gastro Doctor.

They did give me a stronger Medication for Acid. Hopefully that will slow down reflux issue's.

Thank you everyone for the comments. I felt much better once I had different views other than my own.

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Well I made it to the cardipulminologist and the first thing I had to do is a breathing test, the guy who checks your breathing said I must have good alveoli 90° oxygen after they exposed me to a mixed gas during the breathing test, means I don't have emphysema and any acid that did go into my lungs must have not done a lot of damage. But, I do have a lot of mucus built up and the nurse practitioner said I'm making some pretty loud music with my wheezing. Once I got a steroid inhaler I was able to breath a lot easier took all the tension out and relaxed my lungs. I didn't feel as if I was struggling.

I have been off work and board as all get out. The only consolation is I do have my Granddaughter here which keeps me busy and not thinking about it to much.

I did get a chest x-ray. I didn't think they did that anymore but, it came up with some kind of mass over the left side of my heart. I got a CT Scan Tuesday, they cannot conclusively say what it is but, they will be monitoring my breathing and won't do a biopsy because it is medium to small, what ever that means. They think it's a lymph node, I didn't even know I had any there?

I have been getting more sleep at night. Before this it was off and on thru the night. About 2 weeks of it.

Hopefully, I'm on the mend. I plan to go back to work Monday.

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Killi, just make sure to watch carefully since Cipro gave ma Ceedef (uncontrolable diarhea) It kills all of the bacteria in you digestive tract including the beneficial ones and you have to basically start over. While starting over a number of bad bacteia can get a foot hold and cause the diarhea. It sucks and took a hospital visit to cure. Just a warning...
Thanks for the heads up,Bob. I went straight away eating Yogurt. I like the un-flavored kind so far so good.

Also, I only used 3 tabs. I think that was part of it too!

Went back to work, only a couple coughs today. I also didn't use my inhaler. I will tonight when my asthma is worse. It's been to moist and the mold is high as well as blooming trees and such.
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Good deal, glad your much better. The ceedef episode was terrible. Would not wish that even on an enemy terrible. Take care of your health as good as you can, because if not you could end up jacked up like me.
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