Circuit design training recommendations

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I recently was informed that there is some training budget available at my company to send me to a circuit design training course. It was left up to me to find a workshop/training seminar that I would find helpful. I do circuit design already, so this wouldn't be an introduction to the industry. More like advanced training.

I know that a couple of the big guys like Analog Devices and National Instruments do workshops throughout the year. I was hoping to hear from others which training programs they have had positive experiences with.

As far as what kind of training I'm looking for, it's a pretty open bag. I work for a rapid fielding electronics company and we get every kind of request from customers ranging from RF to power supplies, simple I/O and embedded controls, motor control and guidance systems. So almost anything would be helpful.

Ideally, I would want to attend an at-location training. Not online courses.

Any recommendations? Thanks!
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