Circuit Diagrams

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New Member
Hello. I am looking for a program in which I can draw circuit diagrams of a system that I have. I need it to contain chip sets of PICs as the main chips in my system are the 16F877, the 16F628A, and others. Can anyone please suggest anything like SIMULINK? Anything that can be learnt quickly. Thanks a lot.

Nichola V. Abdo
do you want to simulate the circut also? this i think is not possible with pics (as far as i know).

if you dont want to simulate and just want to create schematics and board layouts use eagle.
I use PowerPoint. I made up a library of symbols (transistors, diodes, relays, resistors, capacitors, etc.) and paste them into whatever I'm drawing as necessary.
i think what he wants,is a software that simulates a pic ucontroller...i do not think eagle can simulate (or it can?)
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