Circuit Query

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New Member
Hi Everybody,

I have attached a circuit that i just want to make sure that i understand correctly.

On the Input they show the Mono Socket & the Tab that connects to the supply ground, they then show a small rectangle as the sockect opening that goes to ground, supply ground or circuit ground?.

My question is, Are all the ground Symols on the circuit the Supply ground or Circuit ground as i have another schematic of the same circuit but it shows Circuit Ground Symbols & not Supply ground Symbols?

The Next question is, they have three ( Vb ) symbols on the schematic that go nowhere:

Are these just outputs for some other auxillary device or should they be connected together & or, will the circuit work without these connected if they are for an auxillary device?

Thank You


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The rectangles make contact with the inserted plug 0V/Common and ground the 'v' contact from the battery neg and so it powers the circuit up.

I would link the 3 Vb's together, the 56k and 27k form a divider which supplies a Vbias voltage to the other points.
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Hi Eric,

Thanks for that, i thought i had it right but when i viewed the same schematic from a different source it showed Circuit Ground Symbols & then i was unsure.

Thank You
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