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how do i have to wire this circuit if i take out relay and bump switch???

**broken link removed**
Ground the + motor terminals, remove the transistor, capacitor and 10k resistor.
your just going to end up with light activated motor speed controller i made i mouse robot with a circuit just like that it headed for the light worked real good the only thing defferant is the 1 k I used a variable resistor for it.
gas sensor MQ4

hi every body!
I need the circuit of the gas sensor MQ4 to use in rescue robot!
who can help me?
please, I'm in a hurry!
"Sketchup" will make images like that (and there is a free version). Many others will do solid modelling and raytracing. I like Truespace, we use "3ds Max" at work.
I can easily draw graphics like that using Inkscape.

It's not hard.

These sort of pretty graphics should only be used for illustrative purposes, never as a substitute for real electrical schematics.


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