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transmitter and receiver for text message

I need to send the text message of my computer to a remote device via wireless medium. I have to make both transmitter and 'text message receiving device'. How can i start my project?
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Is it short range? If so you need a transmitter and a receiver module at each end and a microcontroller.

If you want longer range, you can send and receive SMS messages over the GSM network with the GSM modules from Telit Telit or Siemens or Motorola
Using a wireless transciever like this from Easyradio (there are many other manufacturers), you dont even need a microprocessor, just a MAX232 level convertor. Its RS232 in and out, easy.


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thanks diver300 and bassnut...
and bassnut i will like to know more about max232 level converter,could i get more help from u on this?
The max232 will convert the uarts higher plus and minus voltage/serial data to 0-5v form so you to decode it with you lower voltage circuit and microcontroller.
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