circut designing

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Do they have decent Poutine in Vancouver? I always though it was funny the percentage of Tim Hortons to Starbucks from coast to coast in Canada. Vancouver is almost 100% Starbucks, Toronto 50%-50%, I wonder if the east coast is 100% Timmie's.
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Oh no my heart stopped
blueroomelectronics said:
Do they have decent Poutine in Vancouver? I always though it was funny the percentage of Tim Hortons to Starbucks from coast to coast in Canada. Vancouver is almost 100% Starbucks, Toronto 50%-50%, I wonder if the east coast is 100% Timmie's.

Dunno. I haven't found it if it's there but I bet you could find it somewhere. Without the right cheese curd it just ain't the same. Cheddar poutine? No thanks!

I grew up way north of Vancouver and had never even heard of poutine until I left home and went traveling. I remember there being lots of Timmie's up there though, and I think they might still be going strong.

I have moved back out to Vancouver Island so if anybody knows where to get good poutine in the Victoria area, clue me in! The ol' arteries could use a good plaquing.

blueroomelectronics said:
There's a big difference sending an sms message to a friends cell phone and posting a message on a public forum read around the world.

I dont agree with sms speak, but i can at least understand why they do it.
There is no excuse when they are presented with a full sized keyboard.

what on earth is that?
HerbertMunch said:
what on earth is that?

You know how the Scots gave the world deep-fried Mars Bars? Well, the Quebecois gave the world poutine. French fries (preferably good hand-made ones) with a layer of cheese curd, drenched in gravy. Heaven. Or Hell. Damn good either way.

To be fair, the origional poster didn't use text speak. However, after a few years at college drinking too much and smoking weed, he'll probably loose the ability to write coherently.
b.r.e. said:
I always though it was funny the percentage of Tim Hortons to Starbucks from coast to coast in Canada. Vancouver is almost 100% Starbucks, Toronto 50%-50%, I wonder if the east coast is 100% Timmie's.
It's almost 100% Tim Horton's in Saint John. There were no Starbucks when I first moved here almost two years ago (not that I'm a fan), but now there's a little kiosk in the mall... it begins! We also still have Robin's Donuts, which seems to have run its course in Ontario? There are some nice local franchises, too. A place called the Red Whale just opened up around the corner from my house. But in a traditionally blue collar town, with a lot of hockey fans, you can bet Timmie's is here to stay.
My theory is right, as you move from coast to coast there is a correlation of Starbucks to Tim Hortons. Amazing

PS I can't stand Starbucks coffee, too bitter IMO.
blueroomelectronics said:
My theory is right, as you move from coast to coast there is a correlation of Starbucks to Tim Hortons. Amazing

PS I can't stand Starbucks coffee, too bitter IMO.

Don't forget the north-to-south as well. After 8 years traveling back and forth across Canada in a band van, I think you're bang-on. Our guitarist was a total coffee freak though, and would seek out the best local indie coffee shops whereever we were. We were spoiled.

And I don't like Starbucks coffee either. I used to hate Timmie's coffee too but last month I ended up near one and figured what the hell. That was a damn fine cup of automatic drip, so I'm willing to give them another shot now.

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blueroomelectronics said:
PS I can't stand Starbucks coffee, too bitter IMO.
Hmm... I do like it a lot. I'm also the person that likes black teas steeped for about half an hour. Or more. I guess I like more bitter drinks.
I like a strong tea, too. I also like a good cup of coffee every now and then. I've never been a huge caffeine drinker, though, and I'm cautious of getting too hooked.

I don't know what it is about Starbucks, but it just got to the point where I couldn't have anything from there without feeling kind of ill afterwards. As for Timmie's, lets face it: it ain't coffee. The Timmie's coffee and treats are purely feeding-my-craving-for-habit-forming-dependency in terms of function.

At the risk of sounding snobbish, I'd wager the Europeans have us beat in terms of this line of refreshments. I remember visiting England a few years back and being amazed at how good everything tasted - those rules about genetically modified foods have some pay off, I think. There's this kickass Portuguese bakery in Toronto, across the street from the Lula Lounge and just a little East. Best cup of coffee I've ever had (and consistently so), wide assortment of great tasting treats (coffee + treat < $3), and super friendly staff.

As for the Starbucks vs. Tim Horton's trends in Canada, I've got another one for you along the same lines. The greater the population density, the less likely you are to find a pick-up truck. Downtown Toronto? You could be there on the busiest day of the year and not see one. On the otherhand, projecting my theory, there's a town in Canada somewhere with, like, one guy, 17 Tim Horton's, and one million pick-up trucks.
Occasionally I enjoy a Cafe Late, don't know any good places for one. I do spend a good part of my mornings working from the Fade In Cafe good coffee too.
Now I'd drive 5hrs (Toronto to Montreal) for Schwartz's Montreal smoked meat. Amazing...
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Crazy long lines everyday
On the otherhand, projecting my theory, there's a town in Canada somewhere with, like, one guy, 17 Tim Horton's, and one million pick-up trucks.
I just came back from in town. To avoid getting out of the car (because there was some good music playing on CBC Radio 2) I drove the whole extra 50 metres to the other Tim Horton's (other than the one in the mall) so I could use the drive-thru. In front of me in the line were five pick-ups, from the looks of it all single driver moms. The one right in front was this ridiculously over-sized Dodge 4x4, she could barely reach to make the transaction through the drive-thru window. I'm all for fines on large vehicles, everywhere.
Poutine is a container of fat that is dripped on by a pig set on fire above it?

rahe_wafa20 said:
i am new member of this forum . i want to learn circut designing any body can help. And if there are some tutorials on web post url

this is new meember in this field too.
i also want to knw hw a new powerful project can be made foe a hardware competetion.
if u knw plz tell me.
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