Citizen band receiver /monitor

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New Member
I remember these from when I a kid. Was a receiver so you could monitor the activity on the CB band. Hear traffic and smokey reports etc. I was wondering if anyone on here might have a circuit for this. I've talked to a couple people in another forum and it was suggested that I use something similar to the old mk484 ic and build a mixing/if stage between the antenna and the IC so that the ic only has to worry about say 455khz. The frequency range is from AM. 26.965 - 27.405 At this point detecting SBB is not a factor. I've Google'd and not had any luck as yet.

Thanks everyone for you time
Just buy an old used CB transceiver from a second hand store or street market. It will receive much better than what you have in mind. Probably cost less.

Here is a pic of the CB transceiver I built in 1959.
Heathkit GW-10. I had a lot of fun with it.
I was 11 years old then. Really wanted to be a ham but was not ready yet.


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cb monitor receiver...

Its still a project i'd like to tackle, that and makeing a receiver for NOAA weather radio but thats a whole nother topic. I'd still welcome any ideas on how to construct a cb monitor. The main reasons for my quest/interest in this is because i life in south east Texas along the coast and during both Hurricane's Rita and Ike I used CB to communicate with friends when the power was off and the cell net was down. I'd just like a small simple device that would allow me to monitor CB for traffic reports etc with out the need to pull out the big toys, or from a couple friends that i have who just want to listen and don't need or want a full cb rig. I figured a receiver wouldn't be all that hard, that and building a cb transceiver is againt the law now days as it would have to be certified.

Craig - you might take a look at amateur radio publications. You might find a relatively simple design for an amateur 10 meter receiver - CB is 11 meters. I know that the QRP (low power) community seems to publish a lot of good information on relatively simple projects. You could adapt 10 meter designs relatively easily.
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