Class A amplification of RF pulses

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New Member
Hi All,

I am a beginner in electronics and want to ask for advice.

I need to amplify voltage level of sequence of rectangular RF pulses (where RF frequency of each pulse is 5 MHz and pulse is repeated every second) from 5 V to 50-60 V in 50 Ohm load without much distortion.
In general it's flexible how to do it hence I am interested which active device (bipolar, FET or something else) and what technique are actually the best suitable for such task?
You need an HF (high frequency) power amplifier capable of approximately 80 watts output. I suggest you get copies of the magazine QST, February 2009 and March 2009 issues and find the article "Designing and Building Transistor Linear Power Amplifiers" by Rick Campbell, parts one and two.

Thank you for helpful suggestion. They are available in Web and I have downloaded them (in pdf format).
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