^ thanks for the schematic, but that design looks too complicated for me..
as much as possible I want to design my own simple circuit, with all values of resistor, diodes to use and transistor to use coming from my own wit... I just need some guide on how to choose the values guys
..the design mentioned by RCinFLA was what I am talking about: A single supply push pull amplifier using two complementary transistors, two diodes to match the transistors, and two resistors with same value in order to produce current mirror.
..I am actually planning to use BC546/BC556 complementary transistors, but what type diodes should I use? as for the resistors, I am planning to use a high value of R1 and R2 to at least increase the input resistance a bit because I will connect this power amp to a multistage preamp (two cascaded CE amps, which requires high output resistance).. also is there a chance of increasing the power delivered to the load if I will couple the power amp to a CC amp (to minimize loading effects)? power delivered to the load greater than 1 watt is enough for me, but 2 watts is better..
I need your tips guys.. I don't know if what am I thinking is correct