Class Project! Help Quick!

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I'm simply thinking about all the possibilities and all the possible circuits which have op-amps in them, working as either a Schmitt trigger, a zero crossing detector or a comparator...
You only want all the possible circuits? Not asking for much are you? Ayaskanta, have you actually come up with anything on your own yet?
No. I'm sorry I'vent comeup with anything. I've been thinking all the time but I really have no clue as to where these circuits are used. It was only then I thought I'll join the site!

How do I know in what "practical" application these circuits are used?
Oh Yes!!! I'm very grateful to Torben Sir and JimB Sir too

I have used those examples I just wanted more examples so that if my lecturer doesn't approve of one I can always have another
You have a practical knowledge of how the parts work and you've been given a perfectly useable example, you should be bending your thought to figuring out applications on your own or you're just letting other people do your school work for you and not actually learning anything.
No Sceadwian Sir, I do not have any practical knowledge.. I've never even touched an op-amp!!!
So I'vent observed any waveforms on a CRO...
I'm really trying hard... I just need hints on what I can do... I never asked for the circuit.. I'll try drawing it myself! I'll later post it and ask for opinions!
Here's just a taste of some of the practical applications of an opamp.
**broken link removed**
That's a bit advanced for just starting. I wish I could find some of my older links that had really basic opamp circuits for experimenters but I lost a lot of my old bookmarks. Try surfing around on google for a bit, there are many opamp circuits you can find already on the Internet.
Sceadwian Sir, thanks again for the link I skimmed through it... I know 40-45% of the circuits...
Thats what we do here... Study text books We dont get much practical knowledge here!
Oh and Sir, by practical circuits my teacher means something that eveyone sees in their daily life...
For example last semester I was asked in a viva-voce how to control traffic lights...
We have to use a timed ring counter circuit so change the lights...
My teacher asks for such applications...

I'vent done any projects so far but I've worked with Xilinx...
I've written codes for many simple circuits
Ayask, basically just take any basic sensor you can think of and try to find something to do with it.
Like the POT example Torben gave, you could attach a POT to MANY things and cause a circuit to activate when it reached a certain spot. You could attach it to a door to determine how far open or closed it was. You could remove the stops on the pot so that it worked for continous rotation and use it on a wheel to determine it's rotation. You can use a CDS cell or photo diode to measure light and turn a device on or off with it, night lights are a very common first project. Perhaps mix the two together and you could have an alarm sound if the lights were off and a door opened as a sort of simple alarm circuit.
You could use a microphone fed into an opamp intergrator and have it turn something on when the volume is over a certain level for a length of time.
These are just a few simple examples. Another way of thinking about it is to not think of what you can do with the circuit, but think of a problem that you think needs a sollution and see if you can come up with something that would use your electronics parts as a solution. That's how invention works. Inventors don't sit and stare at a pile of parts and think 'what can I make with this' they always start with a problem they think needs to be fixed and then find out what combination of parts and methods could be used to solve the problem.
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